The image gallery you see on this website is the Free Edition of another cool product JSN ImageShow from This product is shipped with component, module and content plugin, so you can place it anywhere on every website.
On this page you can see how JSN ImageShow is presented as module on top and as plugin in article content. With it, you get smooth experience and consistent performance in all browsers. The JSN ImageShow also support mobile devices normally with JS/HTML version switched automatically when you visit the website.
Currently, JSN ImageShow comes with 6 themes: Theme Classic, Theme Slider, Theme Grid, Theme Carousel, Theme Strip and Theme Flow. More themes will be released in the future.
Joomla gallery by
Sample gallery images
30 St Mary Axe
30 St Mary Axe, also known as the Gherkin, is a skyscraper in London's financial district completed in December 2003, with height of 180 meters and 41 floors.
Roman Catholic
This is a Roman Catholic basilica and national shrine on the west slope of Mount Royal in Montreal, Quebec. It is Canada's largest church.
York Minster Cathedral
York Minster is a cathedral in York, England. Its one of the world's most magnificent cathedrals.
Bridge of Sighs
The Bridge of Sighs , designed by Henry Hutchinson, is a bridge crosses the River Cam. Its belong to St John's College of Cambridge University.
Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower, located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, is global cultural icon of France and one of the most typical structures in the world.
Enormous GateColumnar Walhalla
The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors famous people in German history The hall is housed in a neo-classical building above the Danube River, Germany.
The Reichstag Dome
The Reichstag dome designed by architect Norman Foster is a glass dome constructed on top of the rebuilt Reichstag building in Berlin.
Westminster Abbey Church
Westminster Abbey is a large Gothic church in London, United Kingdom. This is the place where British royal weddings, coronation and burial site are taken place.
JSN ImageShow with Theme Classic
JSN ImageShow with Theme Slider
Joomla gallery by
Sample gallery images
30 St Mary Axe
30 St Mary Axe, also known as the Gherkin, is a skyscraper in London's financial district completed in December 2003, with height of 180 meters and 41 floors.
Roman Catholic
This is a Roman Catholic basilica and national shrine on the west slope of Mount Royal in Montreal, Quebec. It is Canada's largest church.
York Minster Cathedral
York Minster is a cathedral in York, England. Its one of the world's most magnificent cathedrals.
Bridge of Sighs
The Bridge of Sighs , designed by Henry Hutchinson, is a bridge crosses the River Cam. Its belong to St John's College of Cambridge University.
Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower, located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, is global cultural icon of France and one of the most typical structures in the world.
Enormous GateColumnar Walhalla
The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors famous people in German history The hall is housed in a neo-classical building above the Danube River, Germany.
The Reichstag Dome
The Reichstag dome designed by architect Norman Foster is a glass dome constructed on top of the rebuilt Reichstag building in Berlin.
Westminster Abbey Church
Westminster Abbey is a large Gothic church in London, United Kingdom. This is the place where British royal weddings, coronation and burial site are taken place.
JSN ImageShow with Theme Grid
Joomla gallery by
Sample gallery images
30 St Mary Axe
30 St Mary Axe, also known as the Gherkin, is a skyscraper in London's financial district completed in December 2003, with height of 180 meters and 41 floors.
Roman Catholic
This is a Roman Catholic basilica and national shrine on the west slope of Mount Royal in Montreal, Quebec. It is Canada's largest church.
York Minster Cathedral
York Minster is a cathedral in York, England. Its one of the world's most magnificent cathedrals.
Bridge of Sighs
The Bridge of Sighs , designed by Henry Hutchinson, is a bridge crosses the River Cam. Its belong to St John's College of Cambridge University.
Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower, located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, is global cultural icon of France and one of the most typical structures in the world.
Enormous GateColumnar Walhalla
The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors famous people in German history The hall is housed in a neo-classical building above the Danube River, Germany.
The Reichstag Dome
The Reichstag dome designed by architect Norman Foster is a glass dome constructed on top of the rebuilt Reichstag building in Berlin.
Westminster Abbey Church
Westminster Abbey is a large Gothic church in London, United Kingdom. This is the place where British royal weddings, coronation and burial site are taken place.
JSN ImageShow with Theme Carousel
Joomla gallery by
Sample gallery images
30 St Mary Axe
30 St Mary Axe, also known as the Gherkin, is a skyscraper in London's financial district completed in December 2003, with height of 180 meters and 41 floors.
Roman Catholic
This is a Roman Catholic basilica and national shrine on the west slope of Mount Royal in Montreal, Quebec. It is Canada's largest church.
York Minster Cathedral
York Minster is a cathedral in York, England. Its one of the world's most magnificent cathedrals.
Bridge of Sighs
The Bridge of Sighs , designed by Henry Hutchinson, is a bridge crosses the River Cam. Its belong to St John's College of Cambridge University.
Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower, located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, is global cultural icon of France and one of the most typical structures in the world.
Enormous GateColumnar Walhalla
The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors famous people in German history The hall is housed in a neo-classical building above the Danube River, Germany.
The Reichstag Dome
The Reichstag dome designed by architect Norman Foster is a glass dome constructed on top of the rebuilt Reichstag building in Berlin.
Westminster Abbey Church
Westminster Abbey is a large Gothic church in London, United Kingdom. This is the place where British royal weddings, coronation and burial site are taken place.
JSN ImageShow with Theme Strip Vertical
Joomla gallery by
Sample gallery images
30 St Mary Axe
30 St Mary Axe, also known as the Gherkin, is a skyscraper in London's financial district completed in December 2003, with height of 180 meters and 41 floors.
Roman Catholic
This is a Roman Catholic basilica and national shrine on the west slope of Mount Royal in Montreal, Quebec. It is Canada's largest church.
York Minster Cathedral
York Minster is a cathedral in York, England. Its one of the world's most magnificent cathedrals.
Bridge of Sighs
The Bridge of Sighs , designed by Henry Hutchinson, is a bridge crosses the River Cam. Its belong to St John's College of Cambridge University.
Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower, located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, is global cultural icon of France and one of the most typical structures in the world.
Enormous GateColumnar Walhalla
The Walhalla is a hall of fame that honors famous people in German history The hall is housed in a neo-classical building above the Danube River, Germany.
The Reichstag Dome
The Reichstag dome designed by architect Norman Foster is a glass dome constructed on top of the rebuilt Reichstag building in Berlin.
Westminster Abbey Church
Westminster Abbey is a large Gothic church in London, United Kingdom. This is the place where British royal weddings, coronation and burial site are taken place.
JSN ImageShow with Theme Strip Horizontal
JSN ImageShow with Theme Flow
Mobile optimized
For mobile device, we have built special lightweight Javascript version, so you can be absolutely sure about images presentation.
Mobile optimized presentation (screenshot made by iPhone)
This extension is NOT included in the template package, but you can download it for free. Read more.